The band-to-band tunnelling (BBT) effect in an n-type metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (n-MOSFET) is attributed not only to the transverse electric field E T but also to the lateral electric field E L in the gate-to-drain overlap region. The main sources of these electric fields are the gate-source (V gs ) and drain-source (V ds ) voltages. The modelling of the gate-induced drain leakage current, I gidl , associated with BBT remains always dependent on the drain-gate voltage, V dg , whatever the applied values of V gs and V ds , which cannot describe accurately the evolution of the I gidl current according to biases. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the impact of V gs and V ds separately. In this paper, we propose a new model of the I gidl current, which can describe the BBT effect in n-MOSFETs under various V gs and V ds biases.