We construct a "Koszul duality" equivalence relating the (diagrammatic) Hecke category attached to a Coxeter system and a given realization to the Hecke category attached to the same Coxeter system and the dual realization. This extends a construction of Beȋlinson-Ginzburg-Soergel [BGS] and Bezrukavnikov-Yun [BY] in a geometric context, and of the first author with Achar, Makisumi and Williamson [AMRW2]. As an application, we show that the combinatorics of the "tilting perverse sheaves" considered in [ARV] is encoded in the combinatorics of the canonical basis of the Hecke algebra of (W, S) attached to the dual realization.⊕ BS (h, W ), resp. D ⊕ BS (h * , W ), with the indecomposable tilting objects in the heart of the perverse t-structure on LE(h * , W ), resp. RE(h, W ).