Objective: To validate a scale that identifi es the attitude of academics, from Health Sciences courses, as to the use of Information and Communications Technologies. Methods: Methodological study, carried out with 292 undergraduates from Biological Sciences, Nursing, Nutrition and Medical School, and applied to the Information and Communications Technology Attitude Scales for Health with 14 items. Validation was conducted by a committee of experts involved in the translation from the Portuguese version, with internal validation, cultural adaptation. It passed through a pre-test, and a post-test, by means of exploratory factorial analysis, consistency and representability of the scale components. Results: A total of 14 items was validated, all of which with construct adequacy, according to the measure of suitability of 0.80 and p<0.000. Factorial analyses produced a two-factor solution, positive and negative constructs, which allows better identifi cation of academic attitudes. Conclusion: The scale presented values of suitability above the average for this type of instrument. Thus, it is effective to assess the proposed object and it provides an innovative means of research within this fi eld.