Abs tract:Tra di ti o nal ly, en for ce ment of con su mer pro tecti on laws me ant to pro vide qua li ty as su ran ce of go ods and ser vi ces was con si de red a re spon si bi li ty of the sta te in its va ri ous gui ses. Un for tuna te ly, en for ce ment is an ex pensi ve, and hen ce par ticu lar ly pro ble ma tic pro po si ti on in tran si ti on eco no mies that have many com pe ting de mands on their very scar ce re sour ces. An al ter na ti ve mode of en for ce ment is through re pu tati on. Yet for re pu tati on to be able to ful fill this dis ci pli ning role, a high de gree of in for mati on flow, or transpa ren cy, is im pe ra ti ve. Transpa ren cy, of cour se, is not so me thing that tran si ti on eco no mies ty pi cal ly ex cel in. In this ar ticle we dis cuss a thi rd form of en for ce ment that re lies much less, or not at all, on the sta te, and that re lies on the mar ket only in di rect ly: Cer ti fi cati on agen cies for ce their mem bers to re ve al their (good) type through cost ly sig nals that can be "en gi nee red" to in du ce a se pa ra ting equi lib ri um. We dis cuss the vi a bi li ty of this sys tem of enforcement in an environment (namely, fundraising) where state and market have failed to deliver a satisfying degree of quality assurance.