We propose a new hybrid clock distribution scheme that uses global current-mode (CM) and local voltage-mode (VM) clocking to distribute a high-performance clock signal with reduced power consumption. In order to enable hybrid clocking, we propose two new current-to-voltage converters. The converters are simple current receiver circuits based on amplifier and current-mirror circuits. The global clocking is bufferless and relies on current rather than voltage, which reduces the jitter. The local VM network improves compatibility with traditional CMOS logic. The hybrid clock distribution network exhibits 29% lower average power and 54% lower jitter-induced skew in a symmetric network compared to traditional VM clocks. To use hybrid clocking efficiently, we present a methodology to identify the optimal cluster size and the number of required receiver circuits, which we demonstrate using the ISPD 2009, ISPD 2010, and ISCAS89 testbench networks. At 1-2GHz clock frequency, the proposed methodology uses up to 45% and 42% lower power compared to a synthesized buffered VM scheme using ISPD 2009 and ISPD 2010 testbenches, respectively. In addition, the proposed hybrid clocking scheme saves up to 50% and 59% of power compared to a buffered scheme using the ISCAS89 benchmark circuit at 1GHz and 2GHz clock frequency, respectively.