Pairing failure at meiosis has been postulated as a cause of gametogenic arrest in both heterozygous translocation carriers and males whose spermatocytes exhibit univalent X and Y chromosomes. The present investigation is a survey of pachytene translocation configurations, at the electron microscopic level, in six stocks of mice, comprising a total of 464 spermatocytes and 343 oocytes. Univalence of the X and Y chromosomes was studied in the same stocks, as well as in three additional homozygous translocation stocks. Fully paired as well as asynaptic configurations were found in all translocation stocks, and the proportions of each configuration differed considerably between spermatocytes and oocytes of mice carrying the same translocation. In both spermatocytes and oocytes, other pairing anomalies were more frequent in cells with asynapsed than with fully synapsed configurations, and spermatocytes with univalent sex chromosomes had a higher proportion of autosomal anomalies than did spermatocytes with XY bivalents. It is concluded that pairing failure at meiosis is primarily a symptom, rather than a cause, of gametogenic arrest, and that chromosome rearrangements, even if they appear to be balanced, may affect the rate of atresia by interfering with the normal rate of meiotic progression. Once pairing failure is established, it could secondarily increase the probability of gametogenic failure.