Purinergic signaling pathways regulate airways defense mechanisms, including mucociliary clearance and infl ammatory responses. These pathways are activated by extracellular purines, which include adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and its metabolites adenosine diphosphate, adenosine monophosphate (AMP), and adenosine. Adenosine, in particular, has been linked to infl ammatory airways diseases, 1 including twofold to fourfold elevations in blood 2,3 and BAL fl uid 4 of subjects with asthma. Similarly, adenosine concentrations in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) are elevated in subjects with stable asthma, 5,6 increased with asthma exacerbations, 7 and decreased with successful treatment. Findings from animal models, particularly the adenosine deaminase knockout mouse, 8,9 further support a link between airway infl ammation and lung adenosine.These data suggest that purinergic signaling pathways may be active in infl ammatory lung diseases such as COPD and may be targets for therapeutic intervention. 10 Indeed, elevated airway adenosine concentrations in COPD have been inferred from studies of human airway adenosine receptors, 11 and several reviews have touted potential benefi ts of pharmacologic blockade of adenosine receptors. 10,12 Although these benefi ts are a reasonable extrapolation from the animal 8,13 and human studies, 4,5 a recent investigation suggested that airway adenosine concentrations (as measured in sputum) may actually be lower in COPD. 14 However, adenosine concentrations in respiratory samples such as sputum or BAL can be altered unpredictably by extracellular metabolism during processing or by mechanical and osmotic forces that trigger purine release during collection.