“…Let c > 1 + ν − 1 k * and let us transform the order parameters m according to the rotation defined by P as in Lemma (1), namely m = Pm, or, more explicitly, m µ a = ν k=1 P ak m µ k . Following [27,58,67,68,69] let us also introduce the interpolating function Φ N,ν (t, x), where the variables t ∈ R + and x ∈ R ν×P are meant, respectively, as generalized time and space: In order to lighten the notation we also introduce the interpolating Boltzmann factor B N,ν (t, x) such that Φ N,ν (t, x) = 1 N ln σ B N,ν (t, x) and the average performed with respect to B N,ν (t, x) shall be denoted as · (t,x) . The interpolating partition function Z N,ν (t, x) is defined analogously.…”