-Two investigations were carried out to characterize how farms manage work as a means to cope with several constraints. The investigations were based on the application of the "Work Assessment" method in 44 farms, located in two regions in Morocco. A first investigation protocol was applied in 30 farms in a rainfed agricultural area with possibilities of groundwater irrigation. The study showed that very small-scale farms specialize in cattle rearing. By contrast, farms with more land and capital tend to diversify their activities, mainly toward cash crops (vegetables and fruit trees), resulting in an increased use of off-farm staff. The second research protocol consisted in the use of the "Work Assessment" method in a sample of 14 diversified family farms in a large scale irrigation scheme. Work times in each agricultural activity (livestock and crops) were quantified, distinguishing the contributions of family members and those of the off-farm workers. Altogether, the results of the two investigations confirm the crucial role of livestock production for smallholder farms' resilience, given they have almost no options in investing in cash crops. However, the limited gross margins received from cattle rearing may imply that it could have limited attractiveness for the young generations. By contrast, in larger farms, livestock is kept as a means of diversifying the sources of incomes, farmers criticizing its very limited gross margins and its relatively high needs in work. Finally, in a context of growing tensions on workers availability, it appears that work, whether assumed by family members or hired workers, is becoming an increasing source of troubles in Morocco. This may add constraints for the achievement of ambitious increases in the staple food production in the coming years.Keywords: crop-livestock association / hired workers / work assessment method / work management Résumé -La gestion du travail comme moyen de dépasser les contraintes dans les systèmes agraires : une étude de cas dans deux régions du Maroc. Deux recherches ont été menées afin de caractériser les usages du travail dans les exploitations agricoles comme moyen de dépasser les contraintes foncières et de capital dans les systèmes agraires. Ces recherches se sont basées sur l'application de la méthode « Bilan de Travail » dans 44 exploitations situées dans deux régions du Maroc. Une première investigation a été menée dans 30 exploitations dans une région pluviale avec des possibilités d'irrigation à partir d'eaux souterraines. L'étude a montré que les très petites exploitations se spécialisent dans l'élevage bovin. En revanche, les exploitations avec davantage de terres et de capitaux diversifient leurs activités et pratiquent des cultures de rente (fruits et légumes). Le deuxième protocole de recherche a également utilisé la méthode « Bilan de Travail » dans un échantillon de 14 exploitations agricoles situées dans un grand périmètre irrigué. Les temps de travaux de chaque activité (élevage et cultures) ont été notés, en distingua...