IN a previous paper [Saunders, 1932], a method was elaborated for the isolation of guanidine added to shed blood. In the following experiments, the method has been applied to blood from dogs which had been injected with guanidine. It has also been applied to shed blood, with guanidine added to give a concentration equivalent to that produced by the injection. In each case the concentration of guanidine was 90 mg. guanidine per 100 ml. Graphic records of carotid blood pressure were taken throughout each experiment to ascertain whether the action of the drug was typical or not.
EXPERIMENTAL.Dogs were anaesthetised with ether 2 hours after the subcutaneous injection of morphine hydrochloride (25 mg. per kg. body weight).Arterial blood pressure was recorded from the right common carotid artery and injections of guanidine were made through a cannula in the left external jugular vein. Each injection was followed at once by 3 ml. 0 9 % sodium chloride solution, to wash in the guanidine. The dose of guanidine was equivalent to 75 mg. base per kg. The guanidine solutions were made from pure guanidine carbonate (A.R.) neutralised with N hydrochloric acid, the excess carbon dioxide being removed by warming.At a definite interval after the injection, the animals were bled as completely as possible from the common carotid artery, and the blood was mixed with half its volume of 1 % sodium oxalate solution. The average volume of blood obtained in 16 experiments was 38 ml. per kg. Of the 16 animals, 12 gave amounts between 35 and 41 ml. per kg., the remaining 4 giving 19, 33, 47 and 54 ml. per kg. The details of one typical experiment were as follows: 18. vii. 33. Dog 4, female, weight 8 kg. 9.0 a.m. 0-2 g. morphine hydrochloride, subcutaneously. 11.0 a.m. Ether. 11.30 a.m. Blood pressure, 91 mm. Hg. Heart rate 196 per minute. 11.31-2 a.m. 0 9 g. guanidine carbonate, neutralised with HCI in 14 ml., 3 ml. saline. B.P. 66 mm. Hg. Heart rate 204 per min. 11.34 a.m. B.P. 83 mm. Hg. Heart rate 165 per minute. 11.38 a.m. Bled from the common carotid artery into 200 ml. 0-6 % sodium oxalate solution. Volume of blood obtained 375 ml. Weight picrate isolated 52 mg. After recrystallisation from water, M.P. was 313-315°. (Correction + 8°) =322°. Microscopically, guanidine picrate.25-2 mg. on analysis gave basic N 14-4 %, picric acid 80-3 %.