We consider for the first time level 7 modular invariant flavour models where the lepton mixing originates from the breaking of modular symmetry and couplings responsible for lepton masses are modular forms. The latter are decomposed into irreducible multiplets of the finite modular group Γ 7 , which is isomorphic to PSL(2, Z 7), the projective special linear group of two dimensional matrices over the finite Galois field of seven elements, containing 168 elements, sometimes written as PSL 2 (7) or Σ(168). At weight 2, there are 26 linearly independent modular forms, organised into a triplet, a septet and two octets of Γ 7. A full list of modular forms up to weight 8 are provided. Assuming the absence of flavons, the simplest modular-invariant models based on Γ 7 are constructed, in which neutrinos gain masses via either the Weinberg operator or the type-I seesaw mechanism, and their predictions compared to experiment.