Insertion/deletion (InDel) polymorphisms have been widely used in the fields of population genetics, genetic map constructions, and forensic investigations owing to the advantages of their low mutation rates, widespread distributions in the human genome, and small amplicon sizes. In order to provide more InDels with high discrimination power in Chinese populations, we selected and constructed one novel multiplex PCR‐InDel panel for forensic individual identification. Genetic distributions of these 35 InDels in five reference populations from East Asia showed low genetic differentiations among these populations. Forensic efficiency evaluations of these InDels revealed that these loci could perform well for forensic individual identifications in these reference populations. In the meantime, genetic diversities and forensic parameters of these InDels were further investigated in the studied Kazak group. Mean value of polymorphism information content for 35 InDels was 0.3611. Cumulative power of discrimination of 35 InDels was 0.99999999999999603 in Kazak group. Given these results, the panel is suitable for individual identifications in the studied Kazak and these reference populations.