؊1 ) growth rates. A positive correlation to growth rate was observed for cellular parameters (cell size, and DNA and protein contents). The free energy consumed for biomass formation steadily increased with growth rate. In contrast, the energy demand for maintenance increased only from low to med and then remained constant until high . The most comprehensive proteomic changes were observed at low compared to high . Uniformly decreased abundances of protein components of the anaerobic benzoyl coenzyme A (benzoyl-CoA) pathway, central carbon metabolism, and information processing agree with a general deceleration of benzoate metabolism and cellular processes in response to slow growth. In contrast, increased abundances were observed at low for diverse catabolic proteins and components of uptake systems in the absence of the respective substrate (aromatic or aliphatic compounds) and for proteins involved in stress responses. This potential catabolic versatility and stress defense during slow growth may be interpreted as preparation for future needs.
Most terrestrial and aquatic habitats are characterized by dynamic fluctuations in the composition and concentration of nutrients, supporting heterotrophic growth of bacteria in a feastand-famine manner. In most cases, poor carbon and nutrient availabilities restrict or even arrest microbial growth (see, e.g., references 19, 27, and 33). Thus, the capacity of bacteria to cope with nutrient limitation is a key determinant for their survival and success in the environment. Substrate limitation and its longknown intimate coupling to bacterial growth rates are best studied by continuous cultivation in chemostats (for an overview, see, e.g., references 20 and 27). Constrained by a defined and constant supply of the limiting nutrient at a specific rate (dilution rate [D]), the bacterial population in a chemostat approaches a steady state characterized by a specific growth rate () and stable growth parameters (39, 45). Combining these quantities with chemostat models can describe the dynamics of bacterial populations at many levels (see, e.g., reference 25).Steady-state responses are best understood in Escherichia coli and other enterobacteria. Early physiological studies revealed a tight coupling of growth rate with the size and molecular composition of cells (7,42,61). Subsequently, growth rate-dependent global alterations in gene expression (21, 30) and proteome signatures (49, 76) were observed. An interesting outcome from these global surveys of slowly growing, carbon-limited cells was the apparently preemptive adaptation to future needs for stress resistance and multiple substrate utilization (for an overview, see reference 19).The denitrifying strain "Aromatoleum aromaticum" EbN1 is a versatile aquatic betaproteobacterium that anaerobically degrades 24 different monoaromatic compounds, including petroleum hydrocarbons (57), phenolic solvents (79), and 3-phenylpropanoids (69). With few exceptions, these aromatic substrates are channeled via specific reaction sequences i...