Two Caucasian population materials totalling 530 individuals and 3,180 typing
results are analyzed with regard to various combinations of the Ag(x, y, a(1), d, c, g) factors.
Superficially, both materials appear well aligned to each other and the contemporary (simplecomplex)
framework. However, when the same set of data are structuralized within a new
(complex-simple) framework, the typing results for 12 of 362 or 3.3% of the Swiss and no less
than 19 of 168 or 11.3% of the English samples are not compatible with the new framework
specifying that the various anti-Ag reagents can be arranged in two ‘inclusion groups’ - the
anti-Ag (y>d>c) and the anti-Ag (g>a(1)>x) series.