Objective. To use meta-analysis to explore five previously uninvestigated factors related to the sender-receiver dynamic in the telepathy ganzfeld. The five factors of interest are: a) did the receiver see the sender’s room prior to the session?; b) could the sender hear the receiver during the mentation period?; c) could the sender hear the receiver during the judging period?; d) was the sender explicitly told to be silent?; and e) did the experimenter assist in the review section of the session? Method: Telepathy ganzfeld studies conducted post Joint Communiqué, with one session per day and the receivers rating the targets, were chosen. Two mixed-effects models were fit: 1) using the study hit rates as the binomial mean; and 2) using the study hit rates as a proportion. Both models have the five factors as binary moderators. Results: Both the binomial mean and proportion models suggest a significant effect of the moderators overall and two factors individually: 1) the sender being able to hear the receiver during the mentation period; and 2) a review period after the mentation period. Permutation tests for both models also show significant effects of the moderators and the two factors. Conclusion: The sender being able to hear the receiver’s mentation appears to increase overall study success, while the review period decreases overall study success