-Though criticized by many, Handel's quantum model for 1/f noise remains the only model giving a quantitative estimation of the level of intrinsic 1/f noise in quartz crystal resonators, compatible with the best experimental results. In this paper, we reconsider the volume dependence in this model. We first argue that an acoustic volume, representing the volume in which the vibration energy is trapped, should be used instead of the geometrical volume between the electrodes. Then, we show that since there is an implicit dependence of the quality factor of the resonator with its thickness, the net effect of Handel's formula is not an increase of noise proportionally to the thickness of the resonator, as could be naively expected, but a net decrease when thickness increases. Finally, we show that a plot of Q 4 S y versus the acoustic volume, instead of the usual S y plot, could be useful to compare the quality of acoustic resonators having very different resonance frequencies.