This chapter proposes a remote sensing multi-angles methodology to assess the transition at the interface of the forest-savanna land cover. On Sentinel2-A median images of successive dry seasons, three referential and nine analytical spectral indices were computed. The change vector analysis (CVA) was performed, selecting further one magnitude per index. The averaged moving standard deviation index (aMSDI) was proposed to compare spatial intensity of anomalies among selected CVA, and then statistically assessed through spatial and no-spatial autoregression tests. The cross-correlation and simple linear combination (SCL) computations spotted the overall anomaly extent. Three machine learning algorithms, i.e., classification and regression trees (CART), random forest (RF), and support vector machine (SVM), helped mapping the distribution of each specie. As result, the CVA confirmed each index ability to add new information. The aMSDI gave the harmonized interval [0–0.083] among CVA, confirmed with all p−values=0, z−scores>2.5, clustering of anomaly pixel,and adjusted R2≤0.19. Three trends of vegetation distribution were distinguished with 88.7% overall accuracy and 0.86 kappa coefficient. Finally, extremely affected areas were spotted in upper latitudes towards Sahel and desert.