The electrical characteristics of solid state devices such as the bipolar junction transistor (BJT), metal‐oxide semiconductor field‐effect transistor (MOSFET), and other active devices are altered by impinging photon radiation and temperature in the space environment. In this paper, the threshold voltage, the breakdown voltage, and the on‐resistance for two kinds of MOSFETs (200 V and 100 V of VDSS) are tested for γ‐irradiation and compared with the electrical specifications under the pre‐ and post‐irradiation low dose rates of 4.97 and 9.55 rad/s as well as at a maximum total dose of 30 krad. In our experiment, the γ‐radiation facility using a low dose, available at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), has been applied on two commercially available International Rectifier (IR) products, IRFP250 and IRF540.