Analysing big data job posts in Saudi cyberspace to describe the future market need for sustainable skills, this study used the power of artificial intelligence, deep learning, and big data technologies. The study targeted three main stakeholders: students, universities, and job providers. It provides analytical insights to improve student satisfaction, retention, and employability, investigating recent trends in the essential skills pinpointed as enhancing the social effect of learning, and identifying and developing the competencies and talents required for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA’s) digital transformation into a regional and global leader in technology-driven innovation. The methodological framework comprises smart data processing, word embedding, and case-based reasoning to identify the skills required for job positions. The study’s outcomes may promote the alignment of KSA’s business and industry to academia, highlighting where to build competencies and skills. They may facilitate the parameterisation of the learning process, boost universities’ ability to promote learning efficiency, and foster the labour market’s sustainable evolution towards technology-driven innovation. We believe that this study is crucial to Vision 2030’s realisation through a long-term, inclusive approach to KSA’s transformation of knowledge and research into new employment, innovation, and capacity.