Abstract-In fifth generation (5G) networks one target is to provide very high capacity wireless access for the places where a lot of people consume a lot of data. Wireless communication is needed to provide access to high moving vehicles, however, extreme velocities must be taken into account in the design. Specific problems for air interface design to support extreme velocities are: high Doppler shifts, Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI), and difficulties in channel measurements needed for demodulation and hand-over measurements. Furthermore, very high data rates on outdoor macro cellular environment is challenging due to path loss. In high speed train (HST) deployments, the presence of lineof-sight connection enables the usage of wide bandwidths that are available on cmWave and mmWave spectrum. In this paper, we investigate the performance of mmWave single frequency network (SFN) in HST scenario. The performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission with different new radio (NR) parameters is analyzed. Especially, the effect of Doppler and cyclic prefix (CP) is analyzed. Moreover, we conduct link level simulations and analyze the spectral efficiency in ideal HST scenario. Results show that it is possible to achieve very high data rates up to 10 Gbps.Index Terms-cmW, eMBB, high speed train, mmW, new radio.
I .I NTRODUCTIONThe number of smart mobile devices is rapidly increasing and mobile Internet is expected to work everywhere, including high speed trains (HSTs). In a typical HST scenario, there is a big group of users in a train and they are consuming high data rate content, like e.g. enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB). High bandwidths, that are needed to provide very high capacity wireless access, are available only on cmWave and mmWave bands. In HST deployments, the presence of line-of-sight (LoS) connection enables to achieve macro cellular coverage on mmWave based communication. However, when trains move more than 350 km/h existing wireless communications systems perform very poorly [1]. However, more work is required in order to achieve 10 Gbps connectivity to train that is moving 500 km/h. This creates a board field of challenges and research questions such as: How to compensate path loss when high carrier frequencies are used? How to couple the inter carrier interface (ICI) from high Doppler shifts that are 20 times more than in LTE? How to estimate and compensate a non line-of-sight Doppler? How to track the train accurately so that hand-overs are seamless?In this paper, we focus on the analysis of the configurable air interface of new radio (NR) parameters for the high speed scenario. In this work, we analyze the impact of Doppler shift. Furthermore, we analyse the link budget and cyclic prefix (CP) length behaviour with different NR parameters. Finally, we show results from link-level simulations, especially block error rate (BLER) and spectral efficiency in the ideal scenario is analyzed. This paper is organized as follows. Doppler compensation is discussed is Section II. Th...