Feeding disorders and gastrostomy use are highly prevalent in children with invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) due to both common risk factors (eg, prematurity, neurological disorders) and resultant experiential deprivation (eg, long hospitalizations, delayed feeding experiences). Feeding in children with IMV is complicated by the presence of a tracheostomy, lung vulnerability, and medical complexity. The potential comorbidity of swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) and atypical early feeding experiences can result in complex feeding disorders. In this review of pediatric feeding disorders in children with invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), we identify gaps in clinical translational research for this patient population and opportunities for improving evidence-based management. To improve long-term feeding outcomes and maximize oral feeding in this vulnerable population, children would benefit from earlier feeding opportunities during critical developmental windows, standardized protocols for advancing oral feeding, and involvement of intensive, comprehensive therapies throughout hospitalizations and early childhood.
Pediatr Ann
. 2022;51(7):e291–e296.]