Modern integrated circuits ranging from ultra-low power internet-of-things devices to high-performance processors cater to a wide spectrum of applications and notably aid in revolutionizing human lifestyle. For instance, wearable technology is a ubiquitous internetof-things application that has made great strides in the healthcare and fitness domain. High-performance chips such as graphics processing units enable an efficient computation platform for both graphics and non-graphics applications. However, along with the capability to support an ever-increasing scope of applications, these integrated circuits are also faced with a multitude of design challenges. In this work, we aim to address two such challenges: power consumption and tolerance to circuit or environmental variations, in two key markets of the semiconductor industry, namely internet-of-things and high-performance computing. Low-power operation is a crucial requirement in modern integrated circuits design. In self or battery-powered internet-of-things devices that are required to have a long lifetime, ultra-low power circuit design is of utmost importance due to limited battery capacities and efficiency of current energy harvesting technology. Ultra-low power operation increases the prospects of their sustainable or even perpetual operation. In the high-performance domain, advanced technologies and faster clock frequencies have led to an increase in static and dynamic power consumption. Low power consumption is necessary for longer battery lifetimes in portable devices like tablets and laptops. It is also crucial to reduce the thermal hot-spots and the need for heat-sinks in such processors. In this work, we investigate low power circuits and systems especially targeting the self/battery-powered applications.