“…For the treatment of linguistic phenomena, the proposal (in its first axis) shares with various approaches to teaching grammar (cf., for example, BASSO;OLIVEIRA, 2012;GERHARDT, 2016;QUARENZEMIN, 2016;PILATI, 2017;MAIA, 2019;ROEPER;MAIA;PILATI, 2020; among several others) who understand that it is essential to activate the internalized knowledge of students, acquired naturally in daily linguistic activities, in order to build, through epilinguistic and metalinguistic activities (FRANCHI, 2006(FRANCHI, [1987), grammatical knowledge. These are, therefore, practices that allow for the explicit elaboration of what is implicitly known, configuring, in this sense, a metacognitive approach, which reaches its maximum success in the linguistic pattern systematization stage, which, in turn, accommodates categorical and variable rules.…”