A linkage-based genome scan of 1,258 members of a single pedigree of the Jirel population of Nepal localized 6 potential quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing susceptibility to infection with Ascaris lumbricoides, the most common soil-transmitted intestinal helminth. Three QTLs exhibited genomewide significance, including QTLs on chromosomes 13 (logarithm of the odds ratio [LOD] score, 3.37; genomewide P = .013, 8 (LOD score, 3.03; genomewide P = .031), and 11 (LOD score, 3.19; genomewide P = .020). Another QTL on chromosome 1 approached significance (LOD score, 2.72; genomewide P = .067). There was suggestive evidence of linkage for 2 additional loci on chromosomes 1 and 13.