A method is described for quantitative measurement of lymphocyte transmembrane electrical potential difference (psi) by flow cytometric recording of the oxonol dye fluorescence of single cells. Both the simultaneous collection and analysis of multiple optical parameters and the use of a negatively charged oxonol probe allowed more accurate measurement of psi than may be obtained by bulk cell suspension techniques employing cationic voltage indicators. Mouse spleen and human blood lymphocyte psi was calculated to be -70 mV. T and B lymphocytes maintain a constant psi as extracellular K+ is varied from 2 to 10 mM and the deviation from K+ equilibrium potentials (EK) is shown to result from Na+ permeability. At [K+]o values greater than 10 mM, lymphocytes behave as K+ electrodes. Examination of lymphocyte subsets showed that hyperpolarization induced by the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 occurs only in T cells. This response was identified as activation of a Ca2+-sensitive K+ channel by pharmacologic manipulations. Hence, T cells depolarized by 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 10 mM) were observed to return to resting psi by A23187-induced elevation of [Ca2+]i. Cells depolarized by quinine (100 microM) were unaffected by A23187. The Ca2+-activated channel does not contribute to resting psi in T cells since it may be selectively blocked by quinine (20 microM) or modulated by calmodulin antagonists (5 microM trifluperazine) without affecting resting psi.