Applying problem situations in the classroom is a way to promote a challenging learning environment that presents obstacles, and solving these problems requires effort and learning. Games are shown as a very adapted alternative to traditional learning environments because they allow the student to construct knowledge according to their previous experiences, which can help to solve an initial problem. RPG (Role-Playing Game) is a game in which players take on the role of characters in a fictional scenario. An important aspect of the RPG to be used for teaching is that it is a cooperative game, and players will only come to the end to solve the problem if they work as a team. There are already some reports that RPG can be used in Brazilian classrooms as a pedagogical resource in Science, Physics, Mathematics, History, and Geography classes, as well as interdisciplinary works, showing this effort to transform the contents into play activities, into something more attractive to students. The proposal of this work is to determine the current use of the RPG in classrooms in Brazil.