We study the game of Cops and Robbers, where cops try to capture a robber on the vertices of a graph. Meyniel's conjecture states that for every connected graph G on n vertices, the cop number of G is upper bounded by O( √ n), i.e., that O( √ n) suffice to catch the robber. We present several families of abelian Cayley graphs that are Meyniel extremal, i.e., graphs whose cop number is O( √ n). This proves that the O( √ n) upper bound for Cayley graphs proved by Bradshaw [8] is tight up to a multiplicative constant. In particular, this shows that Meyniel's conjecture, if true, is tight to a multiplicative constant even for abelian Cayley graphs.In order to prove the result, we construct Cayley graphs on n vertices with Ω( √ n) generators that are K 2,3 -free. This shows that the Kövári, Sós, and Turán theorem, stating that any K 2,3free graph of n vertices has at most O(n 3/2 ) edges, is tight up to a multiplicative constant even for abelian Cayley graphs.