This study presents a non-systematic review of the literature on the effects that proximal processes experienced in the family and in school have on the socioemotional development during childhood. According to the bioecological model, these proximal processes are promoters of human development, which may facilitate the adaptation of individuals to the various contexts in which they are inserted. These processes include the relationships of children with parents and teachers, which make the individual's interaction with the environment possible. The family and the school also share the roles of education and socialization in childhood. Therefore, they should be investigated jointly, resulting in information that may contribute to the development of public policies for the overall development of children. The school, in particular, is considered a social institution responsible for the implementation of the rights of children and adolescents and for meeting their educational and socioemotional demands. The school environment can act as a protective factor for children at risk. Empirical studies that investigate proximal processes as protective factors in childhood can assist in the planning of interventions aimed at improving their quality in the family and school context, in order to bring about a healthy human development.Keywords: Family, school, proximal processes, bioecological model, childhood.
A Família e a Escola no Desenvolvimento Socioemocional na Infância ResumoEste estudo apresenta uma revisão não sistemática da literatura acerca dos efeitos de processos proximais vivenciados na família e na escola sobre o desenvolvimento socioemocional na infância. De acordo com o modelo bioecológico, esses processos atuam como promotores do desenvolvimento humano, podendo facilitar a adaptação dos indivíduos aos diversos contextos em que estão inseridos. Dentre esses processos, destacam-se os relacionamentos da criança com os pais e com os professores, que pos-1 Mailing address: