Exceto onde especificado diferentemente, a matéria publicada neste periódico é licenciada sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons -Atribuição 4. e poucas vezes conflituoso; a organização das atividades realizada de forma conjunta; pouca ocorrência de dificuldades no trabalho interno e com a comunidade; o trabalho sempre ou na maioria das vezes baseado em rotina pré-estabelecida, assim como a capacidade de rever rotinas e procedimento e o estímulo à participação da comunidade. Conclusão: nota-se o desafio e a responsabilidade dos profissionais de saúde no reconhecimento do trabalho em equipe e sua relevância para a mudança das práticas de atenção e gestão do SUS.
Backgound and Objectives:The healthcare evaluation aims to improve the capacity to provide adequate assistance and better healthcare to the population. Through an evaluation process, one can rethink the practices that are being offered and subsidize managers for adequacy of services. The aim of this study is to evaluate teamwork, from the perspective of professionals who work in the family health strategy. Method:a descriptive cross-sectional study was performed. The population comprised healthcare professionals working with the family health strategy in the municipalities of the state of Espirito Santo with more than 50,000 inhabitants. Data collection was performed through a semi-structured questionnaire between July 2012 and August 2013. Results: there was a positive evaluation of the professionals regarding teamwork, with most considering the professional relationship always or most of the time good and respectful; the relationships were rarely considered to be confrontational; the organization of the activities was performed jointly, with rare occurrence of difficulties regarding domestic work and the community; the work was always or most of the time based on pre-established routines, as well as the capacity to review routines and procedures and the encouragement for community participation. Conclusion: One can observe the challenge and responsibility of healthcare professionals in acknowledging teamwork and its relevance to changes in the practices of care and management of the Brazilian Unified Health System.
ARTIGO ORIGINALO trabalho em equipe na estratégia saúde da família