There has been significant efforts in studying collaborative and social learning using aggregate networks. Such efforts have demonstrated the worth of the approach by providing insights about the interactions, student and teacher roles, and predictability of performance. However, using an aggregated network discounts the fine resolution of temporal interactions. By doing so, we might overlook the regularities/irregularities of students' interactions, the process of learning regulation, and how and when different actors influence each other. Thus, compressing a complex temporal process such as learning may be oversimplifying and reductionist. Through a temporal network analysis of 54 students interactions (in total 3134 interactions) in an online medical education course, this study contributes with a methodological approach to building, visualizing and quantitatively analyzing temporal networks, that could help educational practitioners understand important temporal aspects of collaborative learning that might need attention and action. Furthermore, the analysis conducted emphasize the importance of considering the time characteristics of the data that should be used when attempting to, for instance, implement early predictions of performance and early detection of students and groups that need support and attention.