Despite the importance of radial in-flow twin-entry and dual-volute turbines for turbocharged engines, their characteristic maps and fully predictive modelling using 1D gas dynamic codes are not well established yet. The complexity of the un-steady flow and the unequal admission of these turbines, when operating with pulses of engine exhaust gas, make them a challenging system. Mainly due to the unequal flow admission, an additional degree of freedom is introduced to well-known single entry vanned or vaneless turbines. Moreover, the addition of the second inlet to the turbine volute brings extra complexity in determining the steady-state turbine performance parameters under unequal admission conditions. This thesis has a main novelty, which is a simple procedure for characterizing experimentally and elaborating characteristic maps of these turbines with unequal flow conditions. This method of analysis allows easy interpolating within the proposed distinctive maps or simple convincing models for calculating and extrapolating full performance parameters of twin-entry and dual-volute turbines.Finally, the models have been fully validated by coupling them with one-dimensional modelling software and simulated both the gas stand and the whole engine measured points. On the one hand, the validation results from the gas stand simulation show that the model can predict well all steady flow variables. On the other hand, the validation results from the whole engine simulation show that the model is able to produce all the full load engine variables like air mass flow and brake torque in a reasonable degree of agreement with the experimental data.