The chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of tungsten nitride from a single source reagent, bis(tertbutylimido)bis(tertbutylamido)tungsten ((t-BuN)2W(NHBu-t)2), is examined with particular focus placed on the mechanisms
and energetics involved in the activation and thermal decomposition of this CVD precursor. The main reactions
that take place are (1) activated adsorption of the precursor, (2) hydrogen addition/exchange, leading to the
evolution of tert-butylamine, (3) ligand activation via both γ-hydride activation and β-methyl elimination
processes, and (4) ligand decomposition via C−N bond rupture. The activation energies for each of these
processes were examined and found to be ∼30 kcal/mol for the process(es) leading to the evolution of tert-butylamine and ∼40 kcal/mol for the various reactions which lead to the fragmentation of the precursor
ligands (pathways which appear to involve both C−H and C−C bond activation as well as the rupture of the
ligand C−N bonds). The growth surface of the deposited film contained extensive quantities of carbon in
addition to tungsten and nitrogen. The data also suggest that the growth in UHV does not yield a stable bulk
nitride phase. Rather, it was found that the nitrogen appears to be present at levels consistent with the formation
of a solid solution and that annealing to 700 K results in the loss of the nitrogen from the bulk film (as N2).