Abstract-This paper presents the influence of random direct current (dc) offsets on the sensitivity of dc-coupled burst-mode receivers (BMRxs). It is well known that a BMRx exhibits a noisy decision threshold, resulting in a sensitivity penalty. If the BMRx is dc coupled, an additional penalty is incurred by random dc offsets. This penalty can only be determined for a statistically significant number of fabricated BMRx samples. Using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and a detailed BMRx model, the relationship between the variance of this random dc offset, the resulting sensitivity penalty, and BMRx yield (the fraction of fabricated BMRx samples that meets a given sensitivity specification) is evaluated as a function of various receiver parameters. The obtained curves can be used to trade off BMRx die area against sensitivity for a given yield. It is demonstrated that a thorough understanding of the relationship between BMRx sensitivity, BMRx yield, and the variance of the random dc offsets is needed to optimize a dccoupled BMRx with respect to sensitivity and die area for a given yield. It is shown that compensation of dc offsets with a resolution of 8 bits results in a sensitivity penalty of 1 dB for a wide range of random dc offsets.Index Terms-Avalanche photodiodes, bit error rate (BER), burst-mode receiver (BMRx), optical access network, optical receiver.