We describe a method for the intensity calibration of XPS instruments using polyethylene as the reference material. Previous methods have employed noble metals, such as gold, silver, and copper. Polyethylene has a number of advantages over these. It has far fewer photoelectron and Auger electron peaks than such metals, ie, the spectrum largely comprises inelastic background over a wide and continuous range of kinetic energies. The XPS spectrum can be described by a mathematical function enabling simple and noise-free implementation of the reference spectrum. Polyethylene can be cleaned ex situ using a sharp knife or razor blade to remove trace oxygen and, due to its chemical composition, should not be affected by adventitious carbon contamination. Thus, an ion source for sputter cleaning is not required, although an electron flood source for charge compensation is required. The drawback to using polyethylene is that the photoelectron yield is far lower than gold or silver, and this necessitates longer acquisition times and removal of dark noise. Longer acquisition times carry the risk of damaging the polyethylene surface, and we show that, even if damage does occur, it has a negligible effect on the XPS background intensity.The reference spectrum is valid for monochromated Al Kα XPS instruments with a monochromator-sample-analyser angle close to 60°.
| INTRODUCTIONX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is a widely used method to identify elements and their chemical states within the top few nanometres of a material surface. By correctly interpreting the intensity of peaks in an XPS spectrum, it is possible to measure the composition of a surface with excellent precision and reasonable accuracy. The accuracy of XPS composition measurements in a practical sense depends upon having appropriate sensitivity factors for each of the elemental peaks.However, because the efficiency of transmission through the analyser is a function of kinetic energy, instrument, illumination area, aperture settings, pass energies, and lens modes and may change slowly over time, it is not reasonable to maintain sensitivity factors for each condition. The approach taken by most manufacturers and operators is to measure a few reference materials, usually sputter-cleaned gold or silver, and, after dividing this by a reference spectrum of that material, obtain a version of the relative transmission function of the instrument operating at specified settings. Other spectra acquired using the same mode from samples of interest may be divided by the transmission function to obtain spectra that are consistent with anyone who uses the same reference spectra and reference material. If the reference spectra used for this purpose are, themselves, accurate, then this enables a direct comparison to theory, 1-3 for example the use of calculated photoionisation cross sections 4-7 and electron transport theory. [8][9][10] If an XPS instrument is used for quantitative analysis, or even to compare intensities between different operating modes or acquired at differe...