There are many concepts to smart cities, but in general, a smart city is a combination of the use of Information and Technology (IT) with various dimensions to increase efficiency, transparency and service quality. The dimensions of smart cities most popular are six dimensions, namely smart mobility, smart living, smart environment, smart people, smart government, and smart economy. Some literature only mentions the role of IT in the smart technology dimension but has not explained the level of achievement indicators for the smart technology dimension. The dimensions of smart technology and indicators of achievement level are carried out using a Systematic Review (SR), where more than 7.302 papers were found that match the topic and then divided into the 20 main studies based on SR protocol. The indicator of the level of achievement of the smart technology dimension in a smart city is divided into four parts, namely the use of sensors in the smart city, integration between applications (application layer), the use of technological innovations in the intelligent layer such as the IoT, big data, and cloud computing etc., and to improving the quality and scope of applications, increasing the use of AI and engagement with all public stakeholders.