1970). Por otro lado, los alumnos con un rendimiento elevado presentan niveles inferiores de ansiedad-rasgo. Por todo ello, este estudio pone de manifiesto la importancia de intervenciones, que integren la perspectiva neuropsicológica y educativa, centradas en la mejora de las estrategias de aprendizaje y la funcionalidad visual con el fin de promover una disminución de la ansiedad y una mejora en el rendimiento académico del alumnado.Palabras Clave: movimientos oculares, estrategias de aprendizaje, ansiedad, intervención, educación.
ABSTRACTIn the current educational context, neuropsychological aspects are very important given their impact on academic performance. Starting from this premise, the objective of this research is the study of the relationship between saccadic eye movements, learning strategies and the level of anxiety, as well as its influence on language performance. The sample consisted of 69 students aged 12-15 years, grouped according to their performance. It is a non-experimental, descriptive study of correlation type and comparison of groups. On the one hand, an inverse relationship has been found between the slow reading (King-Devick's saccadic movement test (1976)) and the learning support strategies measured with the ACRA Scale (Román and Gallego, 2008) and between the support strategies and the anxiety-state level, measured with the STAIC (Spielberger, Gorsuch y Lushene, 1970). On the other hand, students with high performance have lower anxiety-trait levels. Therefore, this study highlights the importance of interventions, which integrate the neuropsychological and educational perspective, focused on the improvement of learning strategies and visual functionality in order to promote a decrease in anxiety and an improvement in the academic performance of students.