In this paper, a 3D virtual laboratory presenting all features of advanced input shaping filter is described. By proper choice of filter coefficients, various design requirements can be achieved (damping at given frequencies, bandwidth, robustness to uncertainties, etc.). Hence, one can handle the trade-off between the filter performance and signal delay which is added to the loop. The filter principle can be evaluated on gantry crane 3D model by using virtual laboratory. The control aim is to avoid load oscillations during load transport. The shaping filter works as a band stop filter which attenuates the natural frequency by modifying setpoint changes. The 3D crane model development is based on Java3D package (rendering package) and a VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) Java loader which creates a bridge between the CAD system and the rendering engine. The interactive tool is freely accessible at The authors believe that the virtual lab may be useful for both academic and industrial sphere.