Recent calculations of pulse-combustors operating at high-pressure conditions produced pressure gains significantly lower than those observed experimentally and computationally at atmospheric conditions. The factors limiting the pressure-gain at high-pressure conditions are identified, and the effects of fuel injection and air mixing characteristics on performance are investigated. New pulse-combustor configurations were developed, and the results show that by suitable changes to the combustor geometry, fuel injection scheme and valve dynamics the performance of the pulse-combustor operating at high-pressure conditions can be increased to levels comparable to those observed at atmospheric conditions. In addition, the new configurations can significantly reduce the levels of NOx emissions. One particular configuration resulted in extremely low levels of NO, producing an emission index much less than one, although at a lower pressure-gain. Calculations at representative cruise conditions demonstrated that pulse-combustors can achieve a high level of performance at such conditions.
EI= emission index (grams of NO per kilogram of fuel) f = pulse combustor operating frequency Lpc = pulse combustor length mT = total massflow rate p = pressure p0 = inlet total pressure pavg = average combustor pressure pinj = fuel injection pressure pmax = peak combustor pressure T = temperature T0 = inlet total temperature t = t i m e tefi = end of fuel injection time tsfi = start of fuel injection time tsvc = start of valve closing time tsvo = start of valve opening time tvfc = valve fully closed time tvfo = valve fully open time x = axial coordinate Φ = equivalence ratio