To find the differences between the real somatotype and the ideal somatotype, WHR(Waist to Hip Ratio), WCR(Waist to Chest Ratio), and body cathexis were analysed by using ANOVA test, Duncan's multiple range test, and x 2 test. Fashion image sought by female collegians was surveyed, too. The results were as follows. WHRs in slim, usual, fat body type were 0.75, 0.76, and 0.83 and WCRs were 0.77, 0.81, 0.80. The respondents who considered themselves to be overweight recognized themselves to be fatter than their real weight. They were not satisfied with their bust girth in slim body type, thighs and calves in usual body type, and all parts except for foot length, hand length and arm length in fat body type. 60% of the thin people considered their body hourglass shape, 30.4% of regular people recognized their body triangle type, 43.8% of fat people thought their body was round form. They thought current ideal body size was bigger in height and bust girth and smaller in waist girth and hip girth, and weight than real body size. Also they responded ideal body shape was an hourglass type independent of somatotype. The pursuit of clothing image was that 45.5% of female collegians were fashionable and raffine and 10.4% of female collegians was elegant and graceful. Among the body area, body parts that may have an effect on body image were body length in 13.1% of the respondents, waist girth in 10.7% of the respondents, and hip girth in 10.0% of the respondents.