Communal wastewater treatment plant (CWWTP) has been chosen as one system to treat domestic wastewater due to simple technology, flexible management, and cost-effectiveness. There are 376 CWWTP have been recorded by Environmental Agency of Yogyakarta (DLH DIY) that spread in five regencies. Monitoring results on CWWTP effluent showed that some physical and chemical parameters did not meet the domestic wastewater standard. Therefore, evaluation of removal efficiency in terms physical and chemical parameters are necessary. The samples were collected from nine CWWTP in Banguntapan, Bantul and Gamping sub-districts. The physical and chemicals parameters (pH, TSS, BOD, COD, Ammonia, oil, and grease) of influent and effluent from CWWTP are analyzed based on National Standard of Indonesia (SNI) for domestic wastewater. The results show that BOD (>70%) and TSS (>50%) have better removal effectiveness compare with COD, ammonia, oil, and grease (40%). Overall, CWWTP in Banguntapan subdistrict has better performance compare with CWWTP in Bantul subdistrict.