“…There is no doubt student press law has been well scrutinized from several angles, including (a) interpretations of court decisions (Nelson, 1974;Trager, 1974;Trager and Dickerson, 1980;Kristof, 1983;Student Press Law Center, 1994), (b) effects on student publications editors, student publications advisers, and high school principals Kopenhaver, 1986,1990;Dickson, 1991;Dickson and Paxton, 1997;Kopenhaver and Click, 2000;Paxton and Dickson, ZOOO), and (c) legal maneuvers to negate U. s. Supreme Court decisions in this legal arena (Plopper, 1996;Plopper and Downs, ' ... by using the framework 1998). There is also n o doubt that such research has been extent in porties of student press law as it provided byfuzzy logic, it is possible to go beyond traditional approaches to student press law useful to some traying the realiby examining the language of student press law.'…”