Over the last years, interest in using time-of-flightbased Positron Emission Tomography (TOF-PET) systems has significantly increased. High time resolution in such PET systems is a powerful tool to improve signal to noise ratio and therefore to allow smaller exposure rates for patients as well as faster image acquisition. Improvement in coincidence time resolution (CTR) in PET systems to the level of 200 ps FWHM requires the optimization of all parameters in the photon detection chain influencing the time resolution: crystal, photodetector and readout electronics. After reviewing the factors affecting the time resolution of scintillators, we will present in this paper the light yield and CTR obtained for different scintillator types (LSO:Ce, LYSO:Ce, LGSO:Ce, LSO:Ce:0.4Ca, LuAG:Ce, LuAG:Pr) with different cross-sections, lengths and reflectors. Whereas light yield measurements were made with a classical PMT, all CTR tests were performed with Hamamatsu-MPPCs S10931-050P. The CTR measurements were based on the time-over-threshold method in a coincidence setup using the ultra fast amplifier-discriminator chip NINO and a fast oscilloscope. Strong correlations between light yield and CTR were found. Excellent results have been obtained for LYSO crystals of 2 2 10 mm and LYSO pixels of 0.75 0.75 10 mm with a CTR of 175 ps and 188 ps FWHM, respectively. Index Terms-Lutetium-aluminum garnets, lutetium-oxy-orthosilicate (LSO), multi-pixel photon counters (MPPCs), silicon photomultipliers (SiPM), time-based readout, time-over-threshold discrimination.