In the first section of this thesis, we present the atomic part of our investigation.A C 2+ atomic target was prepared and used to generate theoretical data required in the investigation of recombination lines that arise from collisions between electrons and ions in thin plasma found in planetary nebulae and other astrophysical objects. The R-matrix method of electron scattering theory was used to describe the C 2+ plus electron system. Theoretical data concerning bound and autoionizing states were generated in the intermediate-coupling approximation by R-matrix and Autostructure codes and compared to experimental data. The comparison revealed very good agreement. These theoretical data were then used to generate dielectronic recombination data for C + which include transition lines, oscillator strengths, radiative transition probabilities, as well as emissivity and dielectronic recombination coefficients. The data were cast in the form of a line list, called SS1, containing 6187 optically-allowed transitions which include many C ii lines observed in astronomical spectra. The data were validated by comparison to C + recombination data obtained from a number of sources in the literature. This line list was used to analyze the spectra from a number of astronomical objects, mainly planetary nebulae, and identify their electron temperature where the observational data were obtained from the literature. The electron temperature investigation was also extended to include free electron energy analysis which uses observational and theoretical data of FF and FB transitions to investigate the long-standing problem of discrepancy between the results of recombination and forbidden lines analysis and its possible connection to the electron distribution (Maxwellian or non-Maxwellian).