The regular and chaotic vibrations of a nonlinear structure subjected to self-, parametric, and external excitations acting simultaneously are analysed in this study. Moreover, a time delay input is added to the model to control the system response. The frequencylocking phenomenon and transition to quasi-periodic oscillations via Hopf bifurcation of the second kind (Neimark-Sacker bifurcation) are determined analytically by the multiple time scales method up to the second-order perturbation. Approximate solutions of the quasi-periodic motion are determined by a second application of the multiple time scales method for the slow flow, and then, slow-slow motion is obtained. The similarities and differences between the van der Pol and Rayleigh models are demonstrated for regular, periodic, and quasi-periodic oscillations, as well as for chaotic oscillations. The control of the structural response, and modifications of the resonance curves and bifurcation points by the time delay signal are presented for selected cases.