Electronics and Computer Engineering"Creativity, problem solving, critical and analytical thinking, decision making, risk taking, all found in game-based learning.".
Mark Grundel
A Serious Game for Children with Speech Disorders and Hearing ProblemsNahid Nasiri
AbstractSpeech impediment affecting children with hearing difficulties and speech disorders requires speech therapy and much practice to overcome. In fact, speech therapy via serious games gives an opportunity to children with speech disorders and hearing problems to overcome their problems. As far as children are more inclined to play games, so we intend to learn them by entertainments like serious games. In this thesis, we have designed and implemented a serious game that can be used both as a therapy and as a tool to measure the performance of children with speech impediments in which children will learn to speak specific words that they are expected to know before the age of 7. And then we will teach them how to make sentences. The game consists of three steps. The first step provides information for parents or therapists to decide if their child needs speech therapy or not. In the second step, the child starts to learn specific words while playing the game. The third step aims to measure the performance of the child and evaluate how much the child has learned at the end of the game. The game has an avatar which can be controlled by the child through speech, with the objective of moving the avatar around the environment to earn coins. The avatar is controlled by both voice commands such as Jump, Ahead, Back, Left, Right, and arrow keys of the keyboard. The child will be guided by an arrow during the game instead of getting help from a therapist or a teacher to guide the child to the next goal. This allows the child to practice longer hours, compared to clinical approaches under the supervision of a therapist, which are time-limited. Our preliminary performance measurements indicate an improvement of 40% for children who play our game at least 5 times and a specific period of time.