A class of (possibly) degenerate stochastic integro-differential equations of parabolic type is considered, which includes the Zakai equation in nonlinear filtering for jump diffusions. Existence and uniqueness of the solutions are established in Bessel potential spaces.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 45K05, 60H15, 60H20, 60J75; Secondary 35B65.Its derivatives in x ∈ R d up to order max{ m , 3} exist and are continuous in x ∈ R d such that |D k ξ| ≤ξ k = 0, 1, 2, ..., max{ m , 3} :=m for all (ω, t, x, z) ∈ Ω × H T × Z. Moreover, K −1 ≤ | det(I + θDξ t,z (x))| for all (ω, t, x, z, θ) ∈ Ω × H T × Z × [0, 1], where I is the d × d identity matrix, and Dξ denotes the Jacobian matrix of ξ in x ∈ R d . Assumption 2.3. The function η = (η i ) maps Ω × [0, T ] × R d × Z into R d such that Assumption 2.2 holds with η andη in place of ξ andξ, respectively.