Abstract-We present a work in progress on a face biometry system for visually impaired users -the result of a very close interaction among scientists, engineers, and a users group formed by visually impaired and social assistants. The prototype under development implements recent trends of video analysis and follows closely the suggestions given by the working group, with the ambitious goal of developing a device easy to use that can be an effective help to improve communication and inclusion of visually impaired population. The prototype works real-time processing the incoming video stream to the purpose of locating the presence of people and spotting known faces. Each event of interest produces a simple audio feedback to the user, allowing him or her to locate the presence of people before they start talking or highlighting known faces in noisy environments. So far the prototype has been quantitatively validated through a set of experiments carried out in lab; also a qualitative evaluation by a heterogeneous group of perspective users, users' relatives, social workers, and experts gave us many positive comments and useful feedbacks for future work.