Background: Knowledge on optimal electrical stimulation (ES) modalities and regionspecific functional effects of colonic neuromodulation is lacking. We aimed to map the regional colonic motility in response to ES of (a) the colonic tissue and (b) celiac branch of the abdominal vagus nerve (CBVN) in an anesthetized porcine model. Methods: In male Yucatan pigs, direct ES (10 Hz, 2 ms, 15 mA) of proximal (pC), transverse (tC), or distal (dC) colon was done using planar flexible multi-electrode array panels and CBVN ES (2 Hz, 0.3-4 ms, 5 mA) using pulse train (PT), continuous (10 min), or square-wave (SW) modalities, with or without afferent nerve block (200 Hz, 0.1 ms, 2 mA). The regional luminal manometric changes were quantified as area under the curve of contractions (AUC) and luminal pressure maps generated. Contractions frequency power spectral analysis was performed. Contraction propagation was assessed using video animation of motility changes. Key Results: Direct colon ES caused visible local circular (pC, tC) or longitudinal (dC) muscle contractions and increased luminal pressure AUC in pC, tC, and dC (143.0 ± 40.7%, 135.8 ± 59.7%, and 142.0 ± 62%, respectively). The colon displayed prominent phasic pressure frequencies ranging from 1 to 12 cpm. Direct pC and tC ES increased the dominant contraction frequency band (1-6 cpm) power locally. Pulse train CBVN ES (2 Hz, 4 ms, 5 mA) triggered pancolonic contractions, reduced by