This paper aims to discuss the production of care practices in relation to childhood and adolescence of CAPS Infantojuvenil, from the ethical horizons of the reformulation of psychosocial care policies. The Brazilian psychiatric reform proposed a new paradigm for the care of psychological suffering, opposing hospitalizations and the strictly biomedical model of mental illness, as well as the passivity of patients and their families in the treatment process. The reform is effected from the consolidation of the substitutive model, which has in the Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS), established through the ordinance of the Ministry of Health nº 336, of 2002, its central reference device for the care of subjects in psychological distress. This proposal aims to break the asylum perspective destined and historically consolidated for treatment in the field of mental health. One of the existing challenges in this field refers to the issues that permeate childhood, since the pathologization and medicalization of child development processes and behaviors that defy current regulations become topics to be investigated. This is due to the organization of society in contemporary times based on neoliberal practices that co-opt suffering through the medicalizing logic of diagnoses produced in the field of Mental Health, supported by the pharmaceutical industry. Another point to be considered is that child development is marked by the maturational view, in which the subject is not ready, in comparison with the adult ideal. However, the understanding of childhood as a finished moment in itself maintains the enigmatic character of that period, an eternal becoming of childhood, and does not corroborate normative practices that intend to format subjects based on framing behaviors. For this research, the qualitative methodology for the collection and analysis of data was used, based on semi-structured interviews with professionals with higher education in Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Centers in a regional in the interior of the State of São Paulo, who had been working for more than one year in service. Data analysis was carried out from the Foucault perspective, as well as the concept of medicalization and the laws of the Brazilian psychiatric reform. From the analyzes it was possible to point out some existing contradictions related to the models of institutional functioning, the clear absence of the concepts of childhood and adolescence, as well as the predominance of the centrality of psychiatric medical power in the processes of subjectification and care offered. It is concluded that there is a need to further investigate the field of mental health of children and adolescents, the CAPSij. We must really understand which strategies emancipate, produce health, minimize suffering and help so many families with the difficulties of children and adolescents who suffer so much. The CAPSij are services in constant construction, that daily practice is challenging in the absence of clear psychopathological constructions for its wor...