We study the collective response of a dense atomic sample to light essentially exactly using classicalelectrodynamics simulations. In a homogeneously broadened atomic sample there is no overt LorentzLorenz local field shift of the resonance, nor a collective Lamb shift. However, the addition of inhomogeneous broadening restores the usual mean-field phenomenology. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.113603 PACS numbers: 42.50.Nn, 32.70.Jz, 42.25.Bs Textbook arguments [1,2] tell us that in a dielectric medium the local electric field E l seen by an atom (molecule) is different from the macroscopic electric field E by an amount proportional to the polarization P of the medium, E l ¼ E þ P=3ϵ 0 . This is the origin of the localfield corrections in electrodynamics embodied in the Clausius-Mossotti and Lorentz-Lorenz relations. As a result, the frequency dependence of the microscopic polarizability and the macroscopic susceptibility are different. If the polarizability has a Lorentzian line shape then so does the susceptibility, but the resonance is shifted by what is known as the Lorentz-Lorenz (LL) shift [3]. The LL shift serves as the generic frequency scale for other density dependent phenomena in an atomic sample such as collisional self-broadening of absorption lines [4,5] and collective Lamb shift (CLS) [6][7][8][9][10].Local-field corrections are a standard workhorse in solid and liquid media. On the other hand, in a resonant atomic gas a density conducive to LL shift and CLS results in an optically thick sample, which might explain the sparsity of laser spectroscopy era experiments. There are careful experiments on related phenomenology that agree with the respective theory [8,9,[11][12][13], but except for the nuclear-physics experiment of Ref.[9] the published experiments we know of deal with inhomogeneously broadened samples with a substantial line broadening due to the motion of the atoms. Atomic-physics experiments with cold and dense clouds such as those in Ref. [14] are presently underway [15]. Optically thick samples are needed for a good quantum interface between photons and matter [16], so that local-field effects, and, more generally, cooperative response of matter to light, are likely to become issues in the quest toward quantum technologies.Here we study the cooperative response of a dense atomic sample to light in the limit of low excitation essentially exactly [17] using classical-electrodynamics simulations [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] in a slab geometry analogously to theory [6] and experiments [8] on CLS. In these simulations with an unprecedentedly large scale, we have discovered that a homogeneously broadened sample with fixed atomic positions in fact does not exhibit the expected LorentzLorenz or collective Lamb shifts. However, when we add inhomogeneous broadening [24] to the atomic samples, the traditional phenomenology of local-field corrections together with density-dependent collective effects reemerges. Basically, in a homogeneously broadened sample the correlations between nearby ...